伪球迷 发表于 2016-5-31 16:18:47


本帖最后由 伪球迷 于 2016-5-31 16:24 编辑

  如果你对购买的bluehost空间使用起来不满意, 或者网站需要换性能更好的VPS, 可以在购买之日起30天内申请全额退款,保障你的消费权益,国外这方面做得真爽快,不拖泥带水.



  30天内全额退款:如果你申请了免费域名, 则域名费用要扣除(6.5元RMB),但域名还是你的. 如果你买了独立IP,也是全额退的.


  申请退款时,你把需要提供一下资料给它们: 如果你购买时是用支付宝付款,就退款到支付宝帐户上; 如果你是用信用卡付的款,就退款到信用卡.需要提供信用卡的后四位卡号. 退款后它们会发邮件通知你。

  你可以用2种方法联系bluehost客服:在线客服或 ticket方式(相当于是一种事件申请处理单), 然后按提示一步步填写退款申请单就可以了.




  退款方法2:打开bluehost帮助中心 打开BLUEHOST官网,然后在主页导航可以就找到管理帐户



Cancellations and Refunds. Bluehost provides a 30-day money back guarantee for new hosting account registrations, subject to the following terms and conditions:

Nonrefundable Fees: Fees paid by Subscriber in connection with the purchase of SSL certificates, Site Backup & Restore, SEO package, Sitebackup Pro, domain privacy, and domain names are nonrefundable, as are Check Refunds of $10.00 or less due to processing fees.

Cancellations within First 3 Days of Registration. In the event Subscriber cancels the Services within 3 calendar days of registration, Subscriber will receive a full refund of all fees paid in connection with the registration upon request, with the exception of any Nonrefundable Fees set forth in Paragraph 3.01(A). Subscriber has the option, but not the obligation, to retain ownership and control of any promotional "Free Domain Names" registered in connection with the subscription, in which case Subscriber's refund will be reduced by $11.95 per domain name.

Cancellations After 3 Days and Before 30 Days. In the event Subscriber cancels the Services after the expiration of 3 calendar days, but prior to the expiration of 30 calendar days, Subscriber will receive a refund of all fees paid in connection with the registration, with the exception of any Nonrefundable Fees set forth in Paragraph 3.01(A), subject to the following additional mandatory reductions:

Free Domain Names: If Subscriber registers any domain name as part of a "Free Domain Name" promotion in connection with the registration, Subscriber's refund will be reduced by $11.95 per domain name. Subscriber will retain full ownership and control of any such domain names.

Postini/DedIP Any fees paid by Subscriber in connection with Postini or for services of a Dedicated IP will be refunded at a prorated rate based on the registration date, the length of service, and the date of cancellation.

Cancellations After 30 Days. Subscriber may cancel his/her/its Services at any time, before or after automatic account renewal, and, with the exception of any Nonrefundable Fees set forth in Paragraph 3.01(A) and setup fees, if any, which are nonrefundable after 30 calendar days, receive a pro-rated refund for all other fees paid for Services, less $11.95 per "Free Domain Name."

Notice of Cancellation. Subscriber agrees to direct all cancellation requests to Bluehost via email, billing@bluehost.com, phone (+86) 400-860-1250, or online chat. The cancellation request must include verification of ownership of the hosting account and/or domain(s), as determined by Bluehost. Subscriber must also confirm to Bluehost that all emails, files, and databases are preserved and backed up somewhere other than Bluehost server space. Once confirmed the cancellation can be processed following the cancellation policy located at.

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查看完整版本: bluehost中国如何退款及退款流程